4 Mantras to Excel in PR World

The word PR or Public Relation is familiar to most now. Public Relations is the practice of creating and maintaining goodwill of an organization's various publics (customers, employees, investors, suppliers, etc.), usually through publicity and other nonpaid forms of communication. In most simple form we can say that it is a “Persuasion Business”.

There are certain skills which are a prerequisite to PR profession. They are as follows:

GOOD INTEREST IN READING: Any PR Professionals or a common man who wants to make his career in this field should have good interest in reading. Every day he should spend sixty minutes in reading news, the media can be anything newspaper or reading the news online. It keeps a person aware of the surroundings. An American author Stephen King says, “If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write.”

RESEARCH: Research is the systematic investigation into study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusion. It helps a person to get deep into the subject. Research does not only mean taking help of the internet. It’s a broader term; it includes work such as interviewing any concerned person to acquire the ultimate knowledge. The more you delve into it, the more knowledge or the required material one gets. Conducting market research on the firm is mandatory for any PR person.

NEVER SAY DIE ATTITUDE: A PR professional should have positive attitude towards his work. He might fail hundred times but it is important to have never say die attitude. It may happen that your boss or your client may not like your work, but you should keep on trying and finally with patience you will succeed in making your boss or client happy.

WRITING:  A flair for writing is necessary for this profession. It is linked to reading, the more you read, the more you have knowledge and finally you can write better. Writing for this profession includes drafting press releases, speeches, pitches (less formal than press releases) about a firm and send them directly to journalists, writing and blogging for the web (internal or external sites)

Well, Public Relations is not a rocket science. Any person who wants to excel in the field of PR should follow the above given suggestions to enjoy the journey of a PR Profession. These act as weapons to make a person strong enough to sustain in the PR world.

The author of this opinion article is Ms. Navdeep Nandre at PR Professionals


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