Public Relations - A Social Help

When we think of Public Relations, we generally think of multi-millionaire companies who need to hire Public Relation companies to maintain their reputation. But we forget that Public Relations can act as a Social Service too. Non-profit organizations like NGOs serve the community at large on an honorary basis, for the society’s development. They strive to raise their own funds through voluntary contribution and donation from both individuals and institutions. 

Even government helps the NGOs whether financially or by levying minimal taxes on their activities. Still, PR companies are an essential step for their survival. They maintain the NGOs reputation for garnering public support as the NGOs depend on public perception and support to survive nowadays. The PR agencies that serve the NGOs target the people who are critical in fund raising efforts like - the government, the donors, charity, including the general public.

The best PR firms promote public awareness by communicating the organization’s mission, vision, goals and programme. Not only that, a PR firm even designs and implement the PR campaigns for the NGOs. PR agencies also help the NGOs in maintaining good media relations so that media carries a favorable message - both to donors and beneficiaries and builds a better image of the organization.

The PR department also enrolls and trains volunteers. It raises the awareness of the public to such levels that the corporates, students and even the people who stay at home get motivated to volunteer at the NGOs. The publicity material that is disseminated to the public is also designed by the PR department. Overall, PR promotes the reputation of the NGOs based on their performance. A stellar image and a superior reputation enable the NGOs to work in the favor of society without any hurdles.

The author of this opinion article is Ms. Mehak Gupta at PR Professionals


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