Be Healthy Look Beautiful

Eat right and be healthy! The change in weather from winters to summers can take a toll on your health, so here are a few tips, which will help you to remain healthy and exuberant throughout the season.

During this change of season cool breeze and hot days can lead to various health problems caused due to high bacterial growth, often affecting your hair, skin, eyes and bowel movement. If a healthy diet is not maintained then health is bound to suffer. Correspondingly, when the diet is in accordance with what the season dictates i.e. what food should be eaten and when, in what quantity and in which combination, then it is indeed possible to enjoy sound health.

Foods which are light, easily digestible and dry are beneficial, as appetite is low due to digestive fire in the stomach being sluggish. Old grains are preferred instead of freshly harvested grain – this is so because old grain is light and easily digestible. Therefore old barley, rice, wheat and corn, oats, millet and soya, which are ‘dry’ in nature should be included in the diet. Ginger, asafoetida, black pepper, carom, cumin, cinnamon, cloves, honey and black salt are beneficial too.

Vegetables like beetroot, radish, peppers, cabbage, bitter gourd, pumpkin, pointed gourd, turnip and fruits like guava, pomegranate, etc are beneficial. Unspoiled beverages such as fermented sugarcane juice, fermented grape juice, honey water, etc is recommended. Food that is hard to digest, foods that are fatty, sour and sweet should be avoided during spring season.
Along with all the healthy habits it is highly recommended to drink plenty of water. Water helps cleanse our systems of all body toxins and waste, which will prevent tiredness, energy loss and headaches etc.

Keep reading our blogs for more useful tips….

           The author of this opinion article is Ms. Mayoori Roy at PR Professionals


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