Relationship between PR Professionals and Journalist

The professional roles of media and PR are complementary in many ways, as both share the common aim of creating a news story, or developing a narrative to update and inform their readers, listeners and viewers. Media and PR professionals work in the same industry and communicate with each other on a daily basis so as to build and maintain a strong relationship with each other. This helps public relations professionals to gain good media coverage for their clients.

One of the main objectives of a PR Professional is to get the media visibility. As a PR expert you need to understand the requirement of a journalist and pitch accordingly. On one hand PR professional hunts for story opportunities to exercise their client’s name or product and on other hand media requires experts having immense knowledge of the industry which can be referred by PR Professionals.

It’s a mutually beneficial relationship with characteristics of trust, honesty, faith, cooperation and these characteristics not only define the level of confidence but also the interdependence both have on each other.

An important point which PR professional should remember is that they should never provide a false information or useless material. A PR Professional duty is to be a reliable source for the journalist. Providing them untrustworthy information can tarnish the agencies image and the story will be neglected not only in that case rather it will hamper the relationship for future too


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