Best 10 PR Pitching Tips for the Journalists

1.    Be short and precise: Explain in the first sentence itself why the story is important for the audience. Avoid long mails. Highlight a good story angle.

2.      Give complete information: Pitch should not be half-baked and the reporter should be tempted to cover it rather than dig for more information.

3.      Be relevant: As a PR expert try to fit your client into a large trend rather than just explaining about your client’s new product/service.

4.      Add value: Don’t just try to get things done from the reporters instead be a resource from them as well to provide them reference for their stories as well. This helps in getting better response from journalists.

5.      Target wisely: Try to target those journalists who cover your client’s competitors and try to figure out reasons why and what they like about their products/services.

6.      Make exciting pitch: Your pitch should be colourful, crisp and well written, one that makes a journalist fall in love with it. This will make your client stand out as well.

7.      Introduce yourself: Whenever you want to connect with a new journalist, always introduce yourself as a PR Professionals in a short email, brief them about your clients and then start pitching your story. This results in great relationships with the media people.

8.      Connect via social media: Try connecting with the journalists over social media and regular interaction with them through posts and pictures will catch their attention so that when you pitch for your story, they may recognise you.

9.  Pitch for the story not for a product: Journalists look for new and innovative story ideas rather than launch of new products and services by your clients until and unless it is out of the box.

10.  Proceed properly: Craft outline of the story rather than just telling a journalists to cover your client and also brief them on additional information on what they can do like interview your client for some story etc.


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