underestimate the importance of public relations in business. Most small
businesses do not have a public relations department. This can be a huge
disadvantage because public relations is extremely important for all types of
Public Relations
influence the public’s perception of things to work in the favour of the
business or organization. The PR professional that
you choose to work with will ensure that the public sees your company in a
certain way. Press releases, advertising and speech writing are just some of the
tools used by a public relations professional.

PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT - PR is all about building relationships to advance, promote, and benefit the reputation of you yourself, your department and institution. Life at a PR agency is hectic and fast paced but its equally rewarding.The growth of one's client directly reflects on the growth of the P.R agency itself as ones's success is synonyms with other.Image management of the client improves the status of the PR Agency too.
COST EFFICIENT- When done correctly, it can often provide a greater result than advertising, whilst costing less.Risk in public relations is much lesser and rewards are more as compared to advertising which involves higher capital .
PRO ACTIVE AND REACTIVE - Not only does P.R improves the overall image of a company within the community but also does the crisis management when required to tackle the issues which could hamper the company's brand equity.

OUTREACH EVENTS - Public relations professionals often arrange events to raise the profile of the organization or lend its brand and name to a charitable event that represents the philosophy of the company.These events serve as a good source of news that could be used at the PR agency's end to promote the associated organization/clients.

GOVERNMENT RELATIONS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS - Public relations which involves community and community relations campaign includes communication and engagement with legislature and authorities at national level.Programs such as monitoring, analysis, advocacy and stakeholder events to our different clients that are looking to integrate their advocacy programs with broader corporate communications and public relations activities are a major part of public affairs activity.
CORPORATE COMMUNICATION - communication strategies foster strong corporate culture and a coherent corporate identity. Corporate communication master plan manages perceptions, ensures effective and timely broadcasting of information and projects a positive corporate image. It also facilitates building of an appropriate and professional relationship with the media

MORE THAN WRITING A PRESS RELEASE - In today's public relations field,utilize more than the traditional press release. PR professionals commonly use social media outlets to convey their message to the public. As the scope of public relations increases, professionals need to adapt and take advantage of new avenues to communicate with the public.
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